Stop Watch! [HTML&JavaScript]
An Applied Example with Date() Object
Source Code
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var kijun, genzai, startbuttonchecker = 0, stopbuttonchecker = 0,
hold = new Date(), stopwatchid;
function timing(){
var timedifference, tmp,
diffhour, diffmin, diffsec, diffmillisec;
genzai = new Date();
timedifference = genzai.getTime() - kijun.getTime();
//assigns "timedifference" to the time difference
//between "genzai" and "kijun" by the millisecond.
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 60 * 1000);
if(tmp >= 24){
kijun = new Date();
genzai = new Date();
timedifference = genzai.getTime() - kijun.getTime();
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 60 * 1000);
//resets "kijun" to a new criterion
//when the timing period is beyond 24 hours.
diffhour = Math.floor(tmp);
//(represents []:Gauss' symbol)
//means the greatest integer
//that is less than or equal to "tmp".
//In this function "tmp" is reused.
timedifference = timedifference - diffhour * 60 * 60 * 1000;
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 1000);
diffmin = Math.floor(tmp);
timedifference = timedifference - diffmin * 60 * 1000;
tmp = timedifference / 1000;
diffsec = Math.floor(tmp);
diffmillisec = timedifference - diffsec * 1000;
return {diffhour:diffhour, diffmin:diffmin,
diffsec:diffsec, diffmillisec:diffmillisec};
function starttiming(){
stopwatchid =
var tmp = timing();
tmp.diffhour, tmp.diffmin,
tmp.diffsec, tmp.diffmillisec
, 1);
function stoptiming(){
if(stopbuttonchecker == 0) stopbuttonchecker = 2;
if(stopbuttonchecker == 1){
//sets "hold" by the millisecond
//to the got time by the millisecond of "genzai".
startbuttonchecker = 3;
stopbuttonchecker = 2;
function resettiming(){
startbuttonchecker = 0;
stopbuttonchecker = 0;
displaytimingresult(0, 0, 0, 0);
function nucleus(){
/* Copyright(C) 2009 にごろ Nigoro. All rights reserved. */
if(startbuttonchecker == 0) startbuttonchecker = 1;
if(startbuttonchecker == 1){
kijun = new Date();
startbuttonchecker = 2;
stopbuttonchecker = 1;
if(startbuttonchecker == 3){
kijun.setTime( new Date().getTime()
- ( hold.getTime() - kijun.getTime() ) );
startbuttonchecker = 2;
stopbuttonchecker = 1;
function displaytimingresult(e, f, g, h){
var tmp ,e ,f, g, h;
tmp = "0" + e + "0";
e = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "0" + f + "0";
f = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "0" + g + "0";
g = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "00" + h + "0";
h = tmp.slice(tmp.length-4, -1);
//arranges each variable's places.
= e + "h" + f + "m" + g + "s" + h;
<span id="timingresult" style="line-height:120%; font-size:35px; font-family:Verdana, Tahoma"> </span><br />
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#00F; color:#FFF" onclick="nucleus()">START</span>
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#F00; color:#FFF" onclick="stoptiming()">STOP</span>
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#0F0; color:#FFF" onclick="resettiming()">RESET</span>
<div style="text-align:center; padding:8px 0 0; font-size:8px; font-family:'MS Pゴシック',Osaka">©2009 Nigoro. All rights reserved.</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
displaytimingresult(0, 0, 0, 0);
Blue colored parts are essential.
©2009 Nigoro. All rights reserved.
Source Code
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
var kijun, genzai, startbuttonchecker = 0, stopbuttonchecker = 0,
hold = new Date(), stopwatchid;
function timing(){
var timedifference, tmp,
diffhour, diffmin, diffsec, diffmillisec;
genzai = new Date();
timedifference = genzai.getTime() - kijun.getTime();
//assigns "timedifference" to the time difference
//between "genzai" and "kijun" by the millisecond.
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 60 * 1000);
if(tmp >= 24){
kijun = new Date();
genzai = new Date();
timedifference = genzai.getTime() - kijun.getTime();
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 60 * 1000);
//resets "kijun" to a new criterion
//when the timing period is beyond 24 hours.
diffhour = Math.floor(tmp);
//(represents []:Gauss' symbol)
//means the greatest integer
//that is less than or equal to "tmp".
//In this function "tmp" is reused.
timedifference = timedifference - diffhour * 60 * 60 * 1000;
tmp = timedifference / (60 * 1000);
diffmin = Math.floor(tmp);
timedifference = timedifference - diffmin * 60 * 1000;
tmp = timedifference / 1000;
diffsec = Math.floor(tmp);
diffmillisec = timedifference - diffsec * 1000;
return {diffhour:diffhour, diffmin:diffmin,
diffsec:diffsec, diffmillisec:diffmillisec};
function starttiming(){
stopwatchid =
var tmp = timing();
tmp.diffhour, tmp.diffmin,
tmp.diffsec, tmp.diffmillisec
, 1);
function stoptiming(){
if(stopbuttonchecker == 0) stopbuttonchecker = 2;
if(stopbuttonchecker == 1){
//sets "hold" by the millisecond
//to the got time by the millisecond of "genzai".
startbuttonchecker = 3;
stopbuttonchecker = 2;
function resettiming(){
startbuttonchecker = 0;
stopbuttonchecker = 0;
displaytimingresult(0, 0, 0, 0);
function nucleus(){
/* Copyright(C) 2009 にごろ Nigoro. All rights reserved. */
if(startbuttonchecker == 0) startbuttonchecker = 1;
if(startbuttonchecker == 1){
kijun = new Date();
startbuttonchecker = 2;
stopbuttonchecker = 1;
if(startbuttonchecker == 3){
kijun.setTime( new Date().getTime()
- ( hold.getTime() - kijun.getTime() ) );
startbuttonchecker = 2;
stopbuttonchecker = 1;
function displaytimingresult(e, f, g, h){
var tmp ,e ,f, g, h;
tmp = "0" + e + "0";
e = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "0" + f + "0";
f = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "0" + g + "0";
g = tmp.slice(tmp.length-3, -1);
tmp = "00" + h + "0";
h = tmp.slice(tmp.length-4, -1);
//arranges each variable's places.
= e + "h" + f + "m" + g + "s" + h;
<span id="timingresult" style="line-height:120%; font-size:35px; font-family:Verdana, Tahoma"> </span><br />
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#00F; color:#FFF" onclick="nucleus()">START</span>
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#F00; color:#FFF" onclick="stoptiming()">STOP</span>
<span style="cursor:pointer; padding:1px 5px; background:#0F0; color:#FFF" onclick="resettiming()">RESET</span>
<div style="text-align:center; padding:8px 0 0; font-size:8px; font-family:'MS Pゴシック',Osaka">©2009 Nigoro. All rights reserved.</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
displaytimingresult(0, 0, 0, 0);
2009-11-27 20:00